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- Wyoming
- Northern Winds Treatment Center
- Northern Winds Treatment Center
is located at 15566 Dakota Avenue Redby, MN. 56670 and can be contacted by calling 218-679-2375. Northern Winds Treatment Center offers treatment services for Alcoholism, Prescription Drug Abuse and Illicit Drug Addiction
Treatment Services Offered: Alcohol Addiction Treatment, Transitional Living Services, Residential Short-Term Treatment for Alcoholism, Residential Long-Term Treatment for Alcohol Abuse
Payment Options: Medicare Assistance, Self Pay
- Contact Us
- Approximately one in four children that live in the United States and are under 18 years old are exposed to alcohol abuse or alcohol dependence in the family.
- A new animal study suggests that a chemical in the brain called galanin produces a "positive feedback loop" that increases the craving for alcohol.
- When alcoholic beverages are mixed with energy drinks, the caffeine in these drinks can mask the depressant effects of alcohol.
- Contrary to what you've probably heard about college, you don't have to get liquored up every night in order to have a memorable experience. In fact, one in five college students doesn't drink at all. Besides, you'll have many more memories of your years of higher education if drinking isn't a central part of it. So don't let college folklore influence you to be under the influence.
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