Treatment Centers by City
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- Sauk Rapids
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- Wyoming
- Pine Manor Inc
- Pine Manor Inc
is located at 22195 State 34 Nevis, MN. 56467 and can be contacted by calling 218-732-4337. Pine Manor Inc offers treatment services for Prescription Drug Abuse, Alcoholism and Illicit Drug Addiction
Treatment Services Offered: Alcohol Addiction Treatment, Alcohol Detox, Outpatient Alcohol Treatment, Residential Short-Term Treatment for Alcoholism
Payment Options: Medicare Assistance, Insurance - Private Pay, Self Pay
- Contact Us
- The results of 26 different studies related to stroke risks revealed that consuming alcohol or having an infection, such as the flu, can increase the risk of having a stroke.
- Both men and women seem to be affected by alcohol's toxic neurological effects, but women often have shorter histories of heavy drinking before experiencing the same effects.
- A recent study has found that the odds of attempting suicide rise 50% if you consume alcohol, even if you don't drink to excess.
- The physical symptoms of alcohol dependence include an overwhelming compulsion to drink, the inability to stop or control one's drinking, and the need to drink larger amounts of alcohol in order to get the same effect, which is referred to as developing a tolerance.
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