  • Urban MOMS
  • Urban MOMS
    is located at 1730 Clifton Place Minneapolis, MN. 55403 and can be contacted by calling 612-872-2398. Urban MOMS offers treatment services for Prescription Drug Abuse, Alcoholism and Illicit Drug Addiction

    Treatment Services Offered: Alcohol Addiction Treatment, Outpatient Alcohol Treatment, Residential Short-Term Treatment for Alcoholism, Dual Diagnosis, Expectant Mothers
    Payment Options:

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  • An estimated 1,400 college students are killed each year in alcohol-related incidents.
  • Alcohol binge drinkers are 14 times more likely to report alcohol-impaired driving than non-binge drinkers.
  • Many different studies have reported that nearly all alcoholics who try to cut down on drinking are not able to do so for an indefinite amount of time, without eventually becoming alcohol dependent again; abstaining from alcohol completely is almost always necessary for an individual to be truly "recovered".
  • Liver disease brought on by chronic alcohol abuse, including alcoholic fatty liver, hepatitis, and cirrhosis, kills 25,000 Americans each year.

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