  • Valhalla Place Inc
  • Valhalla Place Inc
    is located at 2807 Brookdale Drive Minneapolis, MN. 55444 and can be contacted by calling 763-237-9898 x65134.

    Treatment Services Offered: Alcohol Addiction Treatment, Methadone Maintenance, Outpatient Alcohol Treatment, Dual Diagnosis, Lesbian and Gay, Expectant Mothers, Women, Men, Foreign Languages other than Spanish
    Payment Options: Insurance - Private Pay, Self Pay

  • Contact Us
  • The cerebellum is the part of your brain that is involved with coordinating movement. Alcohol consumption causes problems with coordination, reflexes, and balance. This occurs at a blood alcohol level of .15-.35%.
  • In the United States, a standard drink is any drink that contains 0.6 ounces (13.7 grams or 1.2 tablespoons) of pure alcohol. Generally, this amount of pure alcohol is found in 12-ounces of regular beer or wine cooler. 8-ounces of malt liquor. 5-ounces of wine. 1.5-ounces of 80-proof distilled spirits or liquor (e.g., gin, rum, vodka, whiskey).
  • Children of alcoholics are between 4 and 10 times more likely to become alcoholics than children with no alcoholic adults in their family.
  • In 2009, the Monitoring the Future Survey reported that 37% of 8th graders and 72% of 12th graders had tried alcohol, and 15% of 8th graders and 44% of 12th graders drank during the past month.

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