Treatment Centers by City
- Minneapolis
- St. Paul
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- St. Cloud
- Rochester
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- Hopkins
- Willmar
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- Grand Rapids
- Winona
- Fergus Falls
- St. Peter
- Alexandria
- Cass Lake
- Cloquet
- Elk River
- Hibbing
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- Minnetonka
- Moorhead
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- East Grand Forks
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- Grand Marais
- Hastings
- Little Falls
- Marshall
- Monticello
- Osseo
- Shakopee
- Staples
- Thief River Falls
- Virginia
- Albert Lea
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- Baxter
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- International Falls
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- Long Prairie
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- Milaca
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- Chisago City
- Cottage Grove
- Dawson
- Deer River
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- Dilworth
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- Faribault
- Granite Falls
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- Jackson
- Kasson
- Lakeville
- Le Sueur
- Littlefork
- Loretto
- Mahnomen
- Montevideo
- Mora
- Morris
- Morton
- Navarre
- Nevis
- New York Mills
- Ogema
- Olivia
- Onamia
- Paynesville
- Perham
- Pipestone
- Ponsford
- Preston
- Princeton
- Red Wing
- Redby
- Redlake
- Redwood Falls
- Rush City
- Sandstone
- Sauk Centre
- Sauk Rapids
- Sawyer
- Scandia
- St. James
- Verndale
- White Earth
- Windom
- Winnebago
- Woodstock
- Wyoming
- Zumbro Valley
- Zumbro Valley
is located at 343 Wood Lake Drive SE Rochester, MN. 55904 and can be contacted by calling 507-289-2089. Zumbro Valley offers treatment services for Prescription Drug Abuse, Alcoholism and Illicit Drug Addiction
Treatment Services Offered: Mental Balance Treatment Services, Outpatient Alcohol Treatment, Dual Diagnosis, Hearing Impaired Clients, Foreign Languages other than Spanish
Payment Options: Payment Assistance Through Medicaid, Medicare Assistance, Insurance - Private Pay, Self Pay, Sliding-Scale Fee
- Contact Us
- People who are not alcoholic sometimes do not understand why an alcoholic can't just "use a little willpower" to stop drinking. However, alcoholism has little to do with willpower.
- Drinking under the influence and driving while intoxicated should serve to identify problem drinkers and guide and coerce educational sessions that should last a minimum of at least one year.
- Joseph Hazelwood, who was the captain that was responsible for the crash of the Exxon Valdez tanker that spilled over 11 million barrels of crude oil, was reported to be drinking at the time of the crash which caused devastation to the environment that is still being felt today.
- Chronic alcohol abuse depletes body of nutrients for healthy looking hair and skin.
For more information, visit